Community Spotlight: Meet Vanessa and Guillermo from Peru
Team Crowdsource, June 2023
Welcome to our Community Spotlight series, where we bring to you real stories from members of the global Crowdsource community.
Today, we are excited to shine the spotlight on Vanessa Meza and Guillermo Cubillas from Peru, two of our most active influencers in LATAM.
Vanessa studied Commercial Aviation, Basic Pastry and Administration at the university (5th cycle). She currently works at Clínica El Golf - Sanna in the Oncology Research area as a Oncology Protocol Administrator. On the other hand, Guillermo studied Systems Engineering at the Technological University of Peru (due to personal issues until the 6th cycle) and later Project Management. In recent years, he studied courses related to computer science and Digital Competences for training young students. He works in an NGO called Kené Institute of Forestry and Environmental Studies, dedicated to the conservation of forests, flora and wildlife. He supports investigations into illegal logging and wildlife trafficking.
In this blog post, they share their personal stories and experiences with Crowdsource.

- What's your current superpower?
- Vanessa: Being a very loyal friend.
Guillermo: Loyalty. Confidence. Empathy.
- Is there a superpower you wish to possess?
- Vanessa: Heal people
Guillermo: To stop time
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- Vanessa: Always working where I feel comfortable, continuing volunteering and getting to know a new place in Peru or another country.
Guillermo: Working happily from anywhere in the world.
- Who inspires you the most in life?
- Vanessa: Myself, no one knows what I've been through and what I'm going through except myself, so it's enough motivation to continue and it always encourages me.
Guillermo: Stephen Hawking
- What has been your favorite subject at school?
- Vanessa: Civic education
Guillermo: Computing
- What is your favorite task on Crowdsource?
- Vanessa: Glide Type and Image Capture
Guillermo: Smart Camera and Image Capture, I like to see in real time how the AI has been improving every time it is provided with exact data of the images it detects.
- Which country would you like to visit?
- Vanessa: Korea (I love watching Korean series, so I always imagine myself there) and Japan (because of its culture).
Guillermo: For its ancestral culture - China, Japan for its technological advances, Italy and Australia for their biodiversity.
- What inspires you the most in life?
- Vanessa: Seeing good actions among people. There is definitely hope!
Guillermo: That there are still people who do the right thing selflessly for others.
- If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
- Vanessa: Let me follow my instincts.
Guillermo: Love yourself first and be yourself, be somewhat more suspicious and better analyze people's intentions.
What does Crowdsource mean to you?
Vanessa: It is the opportunity that allows me to be part of the improvement of Google services.
Guillermo: A bridge to contribute directly to our digital world.
What motivates you to be a Crowdsource influencer?
Vanessa: Having the opportunity to represent my country is enough.
Guillermo: Having institutional support to formally publicize these technologies and their daily influence on our lives.
What makes your local community special?
Vanessa: The enthusiasm and passion they have when they commit to something.
Guillermo: The commitment and ideas of the community members to carry out activities.
How did you hear about Crowdsource? What inspires you to contribute to Crowdsource?
Vanessa: I belonged to the Local Guides community and attended an in-person meet, in July 2019. It inspires me to have the opportunity to make things known about my country, my customs and to be able to make them known to the world.
Guillermo: I have been following Google programs for years, before knowing that there was a community in Peru, I was already contributing personally. I found out about its existence at an event held by the same community at Villarreal University in July 2019.
What’s your favorite moment as a part of the Crowdsource community?
Vanessa: When I visited the Google offices (both times), sharing experiences with people who also like Crowdsource.
Guillermo: Being announced as an influencer and getting to visit the Google offices in Peru, twice.
What is the current situation of your community and what are your plans to build the community further in Peru?
Vanessa: It is an updated community, aware of everything that happens in Crowdsource, but some still lack motivation. My plans are to continue motivating via face-to-face meetups, at least once a month, and take the Crowdsource Learning Community program to more places.
Guillermo: After the pandemic, we proposed and applied a restructuring in the Peruvian community to make members more active. My goal for this year is to make Crowdsource known in the largest number of departments in the country, and thereby see the possibility that many students from different universities can access the Crowdsource Learning Community program.
What’s the best thing that you have done for yourself?
Vanessa: Know when to say ‘No’.
Guillermo: Start loving me as I am and give me my true place in everything.
The top things you'd like others to know about your country
Vanessa: The diversity of culture that we have (customs of small towns), and gastronomy.
Guillermo: On the one hand, the beauty of natural biodiversity and Peruvian ancestral culture, but on the other, the inequality, in all aspects that really reigns throughout Peru.

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